Friday, June 3, 2016

The Rules and How To Forex Trading

For those of you who are still a novice in the world of Forex, and you wonder, how to play forex trading it? The answer is easy.

The Infrastructure Of The Forex

Before entering into a trading, we first explain about the supporting infrastructure. For online forex trading takes only PC computer, and Internet connection. Coupled with a software application that can be downloaded and used for free. A very easy way. To view the illustrations online trading directly on your computer with a demo-account, you can read the instructions here. And also forex trading can be done at any time, read in time and hour forex trading, for more details.

The Basic and The Way of Forex Trading

Basically play forex is predicting a currency pair that later value will rise or fall. And confidence of the predictions that we make in opening trading position (open position).

In forex there are only 2 types of open positions :
1. BUY/LONG : predict the value of the pair is going up
2. SELL/SHORT : predict the value of the pair is going down

For more details see the illustration below :

1. Smith entry at position of BUY EUR/USD at 1.3000, after a certain time
Smith CLOSE 1.3064, then Smith benefit 64 pips
If Smith CLOSE at 1,250 then Smith losses 50 pips

2. John entered in position SELL GBP/USD at 1,500, after a certain time
John CLOSE at 1,400 then John 100 pips profit
If John CLOSE at 1,650 then John losses 150 pips

- Close meaning is closing trading is running or open.
- Pip is the smallest unit in the forex.

Conclusion :

- Requirements/infrastructure in forex trading online is very easy and cheap.
- The basics of forex trading is very simple:
Buy if it predicts will be rising, and Sell if it predicts will decline.
And if the predictions are correct then it would gain, if not otherwise.
- Infrastructure, ways, and rules for trading forex is easy, just how trading correct in order to be a winner/profit, it wrote.

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The Rules and How To Forex Trading
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