Saturday, May 28, 2016

What is Forex Trading?

Forex Trading or Foreign Exchange Trading is the activity of managing capital belongs to you by your own by buying and selling forex (currency) online in the forex market through brokers to get profit.

So, in forex trading:

1. There is a managed capital
2. Activities to sell forex or money
3. Done via laptop connected to the internet
4. Through brokers
5. Aim for profit or increase of capital

When learning how to Forex Trading, as well as how to play forex is the same meaning are learning how the forex business. If you do this trading correctly it will be a business, not a game and neither gambling.

There are some steps to start Forex Trading :

1. Register Forex
2. Verification your account
3. Install Metatrader
4. Practice trading
5. Capital deposits and Forex transactions.
Later we will discuss one by one after you have an idea about this forex trading business.

In Forex Trading, there are some currrencies which can used for trading, example is EUR,USD,GBP,AUD,NZD dan JPY.

All of these currencies have been grouped into pairs called Currency pairs with the currency higher ahead of its position. Like this:
currency pair forex 
In this currency pair, currency higher as stuff and currency lower as money (payment).

Therefore if we do transaction BUY EURUSD, it means purchasing EUR using USD.
How to buy Dollars using Euro?

The Answer: CAN NOT!!

The reason: There is no such thing as the USD/EUR, EUR/USD is because the value of the EUR higher than USD (this is already a rule, look picture above) so that the leading position the EUR as stuff, and USD as his money. So impossible to purchase money with stuff.Right?

So the language is not "buy Dollar using the Euro" but "Selling Euros to get a Dollar or so called
Between the BUY and SELL it two different transactions, NOT RELATED

Therefore, if you're now doing Buy EURUSD and then Sell EURUSD, it means you did 2 transactions or use capital twice to Buy EURUSD and to Sell EURUSD.

 Okay, that is the post about What is Forex Trading? I hope you can understand my words and sorry for Bad English XD

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