Monday, August 3, 2015

9 Tutorials to become a successful Forex Trader

9 Tutorials to become a successful Forex Trader

Forex trading is more art than science as the lead, this time I discuss a powerful forex tutorial. Like art, there is the talent involved, but to succeed not just rely on talent alone. The best forex traders hone their skills through practice and discipline. They do their own market analyses to determine the direction of movement of the market and learn how to keep the fear and greed of the self. On forex tutorials in this article, we will look at nine steps that can be used to refine the novice trader. And for those traders who are already experts, you may find a few tips that are beneficial and useful to help you become more expert.

Step 1: identify your goal and choose the trading style that suits the purpose. Make sure your chosen trading style fit with your personality.

Before you start any journey, it is crucial that you have a few ide like where You are going and how you got to the place of destination. So it is important you think first clear objective that would be achieved and trading methods used will be able to achieve your goals. Every trading style requires a different approach and each style has a different level of risk, so if you want to succeed, you need the attitude and approach. For example, if you can not sleep well if you have an open position, we recommend that you perform daily trading or day trading course. On the other hand, if you have sufficient funds to withstand the price movement for a few months, maybe you can consider using the method of trader positions. But any trading style you choose, make sure that it suits your personality and your trading style. Personalities are not appropriate, it will only make you stress and losers.

Step 2: choose a broker that makes you comfortable and also offers a trading platform that suits your trading style.

Important choose broker that provides a trading platform that allows you to perform appropriate market analysis that you want. The reputation of the broker is also important for you to consider. You have to know the policies of the respective broker and its role in the market. For example, trade through the Exchange or spot contrasts with bursa dilantai trade. So in choosing a broker, read the documentation important brokers know the policy and also make sure that their trading platforms match how you do an analysis of the price. For example, if you want to analysis using Fibonacci numbers, make sure their trading platform can be used to draw the lines of Fibonacci. A good broker will be but said ugly or good but ugly brokernya said, could be a problem. Make sure you get the best for both.

Step 3: choose the method of trading and consistent in its application.

Before you enter the market as a trader, you must have some plan on how you will take decisions in your transaction. You have to know how you will enter or exit the market. Most traders chose to use fundamental analysis first and then use the chart to determine the right time to make a transaction. Some choose only using technical analysis course. Remember, that fundamentally encouraging trends in the long term, whereas chart patterns technical or more offers the opportunity in the short term. Whatever method you choose, remember to always be consistent. And make sure your method is easy to customize. Your system should be able to follow the dynamics of the market changes.

Step 4: Select a longer time frame for the analysis of directions and a shorter time frame to enter and exit the market.

Many traders are confused when doing analysis using graph in a time frame (time frames) are different. What is shown as a signal to buy at the weekly chart, selling signals appear as fact on a daily chart. Therefore, if you take the direction of the trend of weekly charts and use daily chart to enter the market, make sure both are in sync. In other words, if the weekly charts give the signal to buy, wait until the daily chart also confirms a buy signal.

Step 5: calculate your expectations.

Expectations is the formula used to determine how the system you are using is reliable or not. You check all your deals are good deals that benefit (profit) or loss (loss), you then compare whether more profit or a loss.

Take a look at your last 10 transactions. If you haven't made a transaction, you can view them on a graph where the system detects that you have to get in and out of the market. Make a note, the amount of all transactions that profit and loss then You calculate ekspektasinya. Here is the formula:

E = [1 + (W/L)] x P – 1

W = the average profit
L = average losses
P = percentage ratio

If you do 10 deals, six of which transaction profit and four losses, the percentage of your profit ratio is 6/10 or 60%. If the transaction you make six $ 2400, then the profit on average will be $ 2,400/6 = $ 400. If the losses are $ 1,200, then the average losses would be $ 1,200/4 = $ 300. Apply those results on the formula and you get; E = [1 + (400/300)] x 0.6-1 = 0.40 or 40%. Positive expectations 40% means that your system will generate 40 cents per dollar in the long run.

Step 6: focus on trading and learn to love small losses

After Your initial margin deposit to your trading account, the most important thing to remember is the money you setorkan have a risk. Therefore, the money that you should not be capital money for living expenses or the money to pay the Bills, etc. You should be able to assume that the capital is money that will probably be holiday you spend. If you have this attitude psychologically will prepare you to be able to accept a small loss, which is the key to managing your risk. With a focus on trading and can accept a small loss, you will not continue to calculate the equity you so that you will be much more successful.

Second, use only risk a maximum of 2% of the total funds on any transactions. In other words, if you have $ 10,000 in your trading account, your maximum loss is $ 200 only. If you use a shorter time frame or reduce the laveragenya, with the risk of 2% will even further.

Step 7: get up positive feedback.

A positive feedback created from the results of trading transactions in accordance with Your plan. If you have a trading plan and run it properly, will form the pattern of positive feedback. Success begets success will ultimately engender confidence – especially if the counterparty to profit. Even when you loss whatsoever if you do appropriate trading plan, will build positive feedback as well.

Step 8: analyze the end of the week.

Is a good thing if you want to prepare everything in advance. On weekends, when markets are closed, you can learn the weekly charts to find the pattern or the news that affect your transaction. This is a refleksivitas of your deals in a week, and this will help you build a strategy for the coming weeks. When not in the pressure of the market, you may be able to devise the best plan for your transaction.

If the market does not reach the point where your open positions, you can learn to be patient to wait for that chance comes much longer. If you missed the opportunity to take a position, remember that there will always be another chance. If you have the patience and discipline, you will be able to become a good trader.

Step 9: create a note.

Make a record of the transaction is one of a good learning tool as a forex trader. Among them is the print charts and fundamental data to base your decision making transactions. Mark the graph as you entry and exit pointnya. Create a relevant description in the table. This log will be useful at some time later. Also note the reasons Your emotional experience when transacting. If the time you panic? Are you too greedy? Are you too anxious? Write down all your emotions at that moment. When you manage to control the mental attitude and discipline in appropriate trades trading system you use, you will become a successful forex trader.


Forex tutorial steps above will help you make terstrukstur and become more refined trader. Trading is an art and the only way to become proficient is through the consistent practice and discipline. Remember the phrase: the harder you practice, you'll get good luck.

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